Whew! Made it through another week, and its Monday again. Working on this bay Lola commission steadily (among many others) Working on a new "formula" of a brighter bay. I tend to very heavy handed on the dark shades of horses. I mean, I love dark bays, blacks, dark chestnuts, and darker shades of grulla/dun. They are so dramatic, and I love to see just how I can play with highlights. A thing this year however is gaining more "light" coloured horses for the portfolio that is slowly growing. :) Because, they can be just as hard and as dynamic as darker shades. So what did you guys do this last weekend? I took a break from social media for the most part and went sledding down the steep slopes of Carcross Desert with my family with some other folks we know. They brought their skidoo with a massive sled to haul us up, where we would climb out and jump on sleds and ...
Showing posts from March, 2021
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Kenzie's lovely Porcini ~ currently for sale up for offers! Welcome to week 3 of Artist of the Week! Today I'd love to introduce Kenzie Williamson of Bridle Tree Studios! Kenzie is one of my favourite artists in this hobby. She has really captured the eyes of many ~ and I will advocate that Breyer needs to consult her for finish work one day on a Breyer release. Who's with me? Her customs and finish work have the WOW factor that I always love to see and look for in customs. Vibrant colours, tastefully done chrome that nicely accent the ponies, and all out creativity is so evident! You can't miss when she shares a photo of her creations. I owned a piece by her and stupidly sold it ~ which I regret of course. So one day, I will NEED get ...
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Hello hello. Hope everyone made it through their Monday! I've had a time of it lately with motivation in the studio. I always go by my mother's quote "An effort a day keeps failure away." But its a time where I can't push myself. Just focus on little things in the studio like "Sculpt just a muzzle on the commission." Just get the magnets in on one drastic project, as its been waiting awhile. Just paint a layer on one or two of the mini resins in house. Why not start painting a medallion that will be in the Breyerfest sale? (Ooops...;) Little by little motivation happens and as you think about things, suddenly its not so hard to just sit down and work with your hands. It can be tough when a hobby turns into something else, but you have to keep the joy within it, otherwise there is no point in continuing. So its important to take breaks. I get overwhelmed easily, especially since it is my very first Breyerfest with the studio participating, and all the p...
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Second week of Artist of the Week! This week is Lori Larsen, a fellow Canadian artist of Sapphire Sky Studios! Lori Larsen was one of the first Canadian artists I started following when I entered the hobby in 2017. I was in awe of her stunning bright colours she could paint, using oils are her medium. She has an incredible eye for detail, and it really shows. One thing I always look for is the personality and expression, especially within the eye, that an artist can infuse into their work, and Lori is no exception. Her knowledge of colour and use of oils to create a lovely resemblance of a healthy, shiny horse is well worth the eye candy. 😀 She paints a variety of colours....but we all have to be honest, lets say she's good at bays. I have the honour of having one of her pieces...
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For awhile now I have been wanting to do something about featuring an artist every week. There are SO many wonderful artists in the model horse hobby, and all I want to do pretty much is share some of their work, with links to their social media ,and basically give a shout out to them! Sometimes we all just need a boost and a lil support from others where there are no obligations and just to simply share because we want to. This goes for both to the professional, accomplished studios who have worked hard to achieve their artistry, and to the new and starting out studios, learning and growing with every horse they paint. :) We all are at our own pace and journey with different goals. We can paint for fun or personal enjoyment, or as some who paint as a side hobby or even for a few of us, it is our full time work! But we all think the same : we love to create and we love to paint horses...both in 2D and 3D scale. This week's Artist of the Week goes to.... Elżbieta Zarzecka of...
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*photo credit to Janilyn Kooy* Friends! Last night was a special moment for me. It became official that a dream I have had since a little girl was to come true ~ to have a pony of my very own. Chance, aka LadyLuck Hero, is now part of the family. 💕 Its one thing to work with horses and ponies (and long ears) that belong to others when their owners are generous and kind to share. It was as close as I could get, and I learned a ton of what goes on in horse life that way. I've ridden many different horses and handled and pet many more, and I was happy with that. I still have two very specific horses I am very attached to in the way of sentimental value. 💜 God provides, and I knew my time would come one day. But it didn't stop me from always praying for a pony for my own. Fast forward those years and times and many prayers. Last spring a friend and neighbour had a gorgeous Canadian mare, and she was not sure if the mare was pregnant or not. Well it turned out the mare w...